From the initial concept to the revisions throughout the design process, we offer complete design and engineering solutions to support your product through production launch

  • Computer-Aided Design
  • Industrial Design
  • Criteria Section Development
  • Design Verification, Visualization & Animation
  • Competitive Product Evaluation
  • Class A Surface Generation
  • Packaging & Design Feasibility Analysis
  • Part Breakup & Assembly Sequencing
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Release Drawings & Documentation
  • Data Management
  • Legacy Data Conversion

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Computer-Aided Design is one of the many tools used by engineers and designers for the creation, modification, analysis and optimization of a design. CAD is one part of the whole Digital Product Development activity within the Product Lifecycle Management processes, and CAD software can be used together with other tools, which are either integrated modules or stand-alone products, such as CAE and FEA. Because it enables pre-production testing and adjustment prior to manufacturing, CAD software is used to improve the quality of the design, enhance communications through documentation and create a database for manufacturing.

Industrial Design

Computer-Aided Industrial Design (CAID) is a subset of CAD that includes software that supports product development. CAID software assists in creating the look and feel of a product and assists in the technical aspect of the design methodology, contributing to the selection of a better product proposal in less time. The result is a 3D model that projects the main design intent the designer had in mind. The model can then be saved in STL format and sent to a rapid prototyping machine to create a real-life model. When product pre-requisites and parameters have been more completely defined, output from the CAID software can be entered into a CAD program for pre-production testing, adjustment and generation of technical drawings and manufacturing data.

Criteria Section Development

At the beginning of any design and engineering project, there should be criteria to which the product needs to comply. These sections contain the styling, engineering and packaging requirements behind any given design. Without these sections as a roadmap to develop the component, a design may not be feasible or realistic. With over 20 years of engineering and development experience, ADAPT considers the complete component environment, including the part content, design intent, ergonomic requirements, safety standards, functionality, movements, required clearances, manufacturing methods, assembly steps, part quality and part style. Taking all these requirements and processes into account, we will then develop criteria sections that need to be met during the part development, which will be used to check the part throughout its entire development process.

Design Verification, Visualization & Animation

ADAPT offers a unique service that allows a CAD model to be transformed into a virtual reality where real-looking colors, textures and materials can be applied. These renderings can be used as a product demo, on websites, brochures and other sales tools before the product is even released into the market. We can also offer animation that shows your product’s functionality in any given environment, such as a vehicle driving through a city at night or a consumer item being used at the breakfast table.

Competitive Product Evaluation

ADAPT offers the service of bench-marking a competitor’s product so that there is a set target to meet or exceed. Through thorough analysis, Competitive Product Evaluation enables your new product’s quality and features to meet and exceed those of your competitor. Whether it is for cost, aesthetics or functionality, ADAPT will perform a thorough product evaluation.

Class A Surface Generation

Using CAID applications, Class A Surfacing is the visible or physical surface of a component, and the process is also referred to as “digitally sculpting.” This high-quality, freeform surfacing often includes automotive interiors and exteriors, aerospace interiors and countless other consumer goods. ADAPT designers will work with renderings, sketches, scan data, engineering criteria and/or customer styling input to deliver an engineered Class A Surface that matches the styling intent of the given product.

Packaging & Design Feasibility Analysis

It is becoming commonplace for OEMs to source design and engineering responsibilities to tier suppliers. Many of these suppliers do not have the capability or the resources to take-on these additional responsibilities. ADAPT can take the CAD models and review them versus the packaging environment, part standards, manufacturing methods, assembly process and a host of other requirements to ensure that the part is ready to manufacture. This could save large amounts of money and time, versus the tooling and manufacturing of a part that is not feasible or acceptable.

Part Breakup & Assembly Sequencing

In this strategy, ADAPT goes beyond just the visible side of a CAD model. We will take into account all the criteria of a product including the styling intent, manufacturing methods (die lines, tooling action required, overall tool size, etc.), part color, texture and material schemes, assembly sequence and process required to assemble the components, and our designers and engineers will determine the best assembly and part joints to deliver a feasible part that is easy to manufacture while still meeting the aesthetic desires and part quality.

Legacy Data Conversion

If there is CAD data or drawings from an existing component that requires it to be re-mastered into another system to be used on a new product, ADAPT can help with Legacy Data Conversion. ADAPT offers all major CAD systems, and we can re-create your data and drawings for you.

Data Management

Due to CAD system requirements, many companies cannot absorb the large cost of supporting multiple CAD systems. ADAPT can manage the data and the resulting translations for you. We have multiple methods of transferring data back-and-forth between customers and locations, as well as all major CAD systems.

Release Drawings & Documentation

ADAPT brings competitive advantages to manufacturers by relieving them of the overhead expense to manage and create release drawings and documentation. The economic environment has caused the downsizing of design and engineering teams, while increasing the workload on those that remain. Often, those who remain are senior level employees whose time would be better spent developing new products and managing engineering changes on current components. ADAPT offers competitive pricing for release drawings and documentation, which can offer a real cost advantage from adding a new employee or having a senior level employee completing lower-level tasks. ADAPT can also manage and maintain drawings for all current and past projects, which also allows us to produce client-specific details and templates both quickly and accurately.

Take advantage
of our expertise and resources

We have extensive relationships with contract manufacturers and component suppliers worldwide. We reducing the burden on you and liaison third parties for you to ensure partners are integrated into the development process early. We act as a n integrator for your organization and your suppliers and manufacturers,

Our Clients

ADAPT Technology has over 130 customers. Some of the companies we proudly serve: